Gay pride skittles

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? What the f*ck lmao /qJc0LII4io- jack 'gray skittles' gross _jackary) June 1, 2021 The depressing-looking bags claim that 'only one rainbow matters during pride' and that Skittles 'gives up' its rainbow in support of the month. Apparently - for the second year in a row - Skittles has joined the latter group, re-issuing their 'pride packs' of gray candies. While some companies opt to create rainbow versions of their logos (ahem, Raytheon), others color-fy their home pages or offer special editions of their food products. The world is celebrating the LGBTQ+ community - and brands are bending over backwards trying to show their solidarity.

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It's Pride month, and we all know what that means.

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